H.O.G.® Norway
H.O.G.® Norway
Chapter information
There are 8 official H.O.G. chapters in Norway. Please find details here below on these chapters, where they are located and how to get in touch with them. They would be happy to welcome you!
Arctic Chapter
The Arctic Chapter Norway World Northernmost belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Nord-Norge and has existed since 2006.
They are located at the following address: Harley-Davidson® Nord-Norge, Bjørkåsveien 18A, 8540 in Ballangen.
And they can be contacted via membership@hogarctic.no. Website: hognordic.com/no/hog-norway
Instagram: hogarcticchapter
(Only for members) https://www.facebook.com/groups/225823511117287
(Open site) https://www.facebook.com/arctic.chapter
Bergen Chapter
The Bergen Chapter belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Bergen and has existed since 1998.
They are located at the following address: Harley-Davidson® Bergen, Heian 6, 5131 in Nyborg.
And they can be contacted via post@hog.bergen.no or membership@bergen.hog.no. Website https://bergen.hog.no
(Only for members) https://www.facebook.com/groups/580914278597285/
(Open site) https://www.facebook.com/BergenChapter

Oslo Chapter
The Oslo chapter Norway belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Oslo and has existed since 1996.
They are located at the following address: Harley-Davidson® Oslo, Strømsveien 266, 0668 in Oslo.
The chapter can be contacted via membership@oslo.hog.no. Website: https://oslo.hog.no
Østfold Chapter
The Østfold chapter belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Oslo and has existed since 1997.
They are located at the following address: Strykerveien 19, 1658 Torp, in Fredrikstad.
And they can be contacted via membership.officer@hogostfold.no or director@hogostfold.no
Website: https://hogostfold.no Facebook: HOG Harley Owners Group Chapter Østfold Norway
Rogaland Chapter
HOG Chapter Rogaland Norway belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Bergen and has existed since 1995.
They are located at the following address: Hillevågsveien 18B, 4016 Stavanger.
And they can be contacted via membership@hogrogaland.no. or director@hogrogaland.no.
Their registration form can be found here
Website: www.hogrogaland.no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hogrogaland
Chapter Sørlandet
Chapter Sørlandet belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Vestfold and has existed since 2017.
They are located at the following address: Hånesveien 61, east of Kristiansand
Contact email: director@hogsorlandet.no
Website: www.hogsorlandet.no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HOGSorlandet
Chapter South East
The Chapter South East belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Vestfold and has existed since 2006.
They are located at the following address: Harley-Davidson® Vestfold, Søndre Kullerød 2A, 3241 Sandefjord.
And they can be contacted via director@southeast.hog.no. website: http://www.southeast.hog.no
Chapter 5 Trondheim
Chapter 5 Trondheim belongs to Authorized Dealer Harley-Davidson® Midt-Norge. The chapter has existed since 1993.
Contact information for the Chapter: membership@hogtrondheim.no or director@hogtrondheim.no
Website: https://trondheim.hog.no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HOGC5T
National Events
Norway National Rally 2025 at Lindesnes
Chapter Sørlandet are delighted to invite you to National Rally 2025 at Lindesnes, July 31st - August 3rd.
National benefits
Pers Hotel
Website: pers.no H.O.G.® members get a 15% discount on rooms. Use booking code "PERSHOG"
Adress: Sentrumsvegen 72, 3550 Gol, Norway. Email: pers@pers.no Hog Oslo Chapter had 2 National Rally here, 2019 and 2022.
Hardangerfjord Hotel
Website: hardangerfjord-hotel.no H.O.G.® members get a 15% discount on rooms. Use bookingcode "HOG"
Adress: Hardangerfjordvegen 613, 5610 Øystese, Norway. Email: hardangerfjort@fjordtinhotels.no
Klingenberg Hotel
Website: klingenberghotel.no H.O.G.® members get a 15% discount on rooms/breakfast. Use bookingcode "MC24"
Adress: Torget 7, N-6885 Årdal, Sogn og Fjordane. Email: post@klingenberghotel.no
Sitla Hotel
Website: klingenberghotel.no/sitla-hotel H.O.G.® members get a 15% discount on rooms/breakfast. Use bookingcode "MC24"
Adress: Torget 7, N-6885 Årdal, Sogn og Fjordane. Email: post@klingenberghotel.no
Vetti Gard Turiststasjon
Website: klingenberghotel.no/portfolio/vetti-gard H.O.G.® members get a 15% discount on rooms/breakfast. Use bookingcode "MC24"
Adress: Torget 7, N-6885 Årdal, Sogn og Fjordane. Email: post@klingenberghotel.no